What happens if you have low vitamin D during pregnancy?

We need to get a blood test and check ourselves before we have a baby.  Gynecologist ask us to take vitamin-like pills before considering having a baby, and these pills are very useful for the baby and for our own health. Although we take good care of ourselves, sometimes there may be setbacks. For example, if you’re working too hard, you might have low vitamin D during pregnancy. because you don’t go out in the sun. If you have low vitamin d  during  pregnancy , you should eat plenty of fish and take advantage of the sun.

Vitamin d deficiency is a very important problem for pregnant women. Since the maternal baby meets the calcium requirement from the mother, the vitamin D level should be sufficient to maintain the calcium balance of the mother during pregnancy and lactation. Mothers with vitamin D deficiency may have softening and weakening of their bones. The weakness of the baby’s muscles, the closure of the ligament or not, and the weakness of the tooth is also associated with vitamin D deficiency. If pregnant mothers have low vitamin d, permanent damage may remain after the baby is born.

If mothers are experiencing fatigue, fatigue, and inadequate weight gain while pregnant, the cause may be vitamin D deficiency. Women who want to become a mother should be well taken care of if they lack vitamin d. The reason is that pregnant women with low vitamin d during pregnancy give birth mostly by cesarean section.

What are the benefits of vitamin D?

  • Protects muscles and bones

Vitamin D is a vitamin that balances the blood levels of phosphorus and calcium. It is extremely important for dental and bone health. It provides the absorption of calcium in the intestines and reduces the calcium loss in the kidneys.Hardening of the bones by calcium accumulation occurs with vitamin D. As it increases muscle strength and muscle mass, it decreases the fall conditions especially seen in the elderly.  It prevents the secretion of parathyroid hormone which causes bone resorption. For muscle and bone health, it is very important to pay attention to vitamin intake and diet.

low vitamin D during pregnancy

  • Protects against diabetes

Vitamin D has the ability to protect against diabetes. It is seen that Type 1 diabetes decreases in children with adequate vitamin D and Type 2 diabetes increases in those with low vitamin D levels. In addition, conditions such as metabolic syndrome occur in people with vitamin D deficiency.

  • Protects the immune system

Vitamins that strengthen the immune system include vitamin D. Vitamin D, which provides protection against diseases by strengthening immunity, is beneficial for all cells in the body. Low levels of vitamin D are found in diseases caused by the system. It is seen that these diseases can be prevented with sufficient vitamin D.

  • Protects heart health

Vitamin D is good for heart health and diseases. It has a protective effect against high blood pressure, heart diseases, diseases related to certain types of cancer.

The most important source of vitamin D that the body needs is sunlight. In other words, the sun causes many skin diseases as well as health benefits. 95% of the vitamin D required for the body is provided by ultraviolet rays in the sun and the rest is supplied by food. For this, the skin must be exposed to direct sunlight. If you are constantly sick, it may be due to the lowered immune system during pregnancy.

Taking sunshine through clothing or behind windows is not effective in removing vitamin D deficiency. In the same way, sunscreen used in sunbathing factors over 20 factors and prevents the production of vitamin D on the skin. Since indoor environments cause vitamin D deficiency, it is more important to go outdoors. The reason for vitamin D deficiency in almost all ages is the inability to benefit from the sun adequately. Especially in the hot summer days, it may be good to have a long exposure to the midday sun, which may have negative effects and come to light in the morning and afternoon. The sunlight requirement may vary depending on the skin color, age and sunbathing of the individual. Individuals with darker skin color need sunlight for a longer period of time, especially in winter, for sufficient vitamin D to form on the skin.

Our previous article Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency in Children. in the title vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d deficiency depression ve vitamin d deficiency diseases information is provided..

2 Responses

  1. Brandy says:

    Good info

  2. Tatiana says:

    Great Information! I’ll come back to read more.

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