How Can I Cure My Newborns Hiccups?

Hiccups, a common condition in newborn infants, may worry the mother. It is a common condition in infants. If your baby is sobbing, you don’t have to worry . Newborn hiccups  show that their digestive system works well.  Hiccups in newborn babies are the most increased time after digestion. The reason for this is the stimulation of the nerves in the diaphragm after the stomach is filled and the baby’s reflection. You can breastfeed your baby to prevent it from hiccups.

Hiccup is a sudden involuntary contraction of the diagram that causes a sharp intake of breath and leads to partial closure of the vocal chords. This often results in a convulsive gasp. This is something that happens to anyone but is common in babies. They are a completely natural process in strengthening the vocal chords of your baby. Baby hiccups are sometimes referred to baby acid reflux. This acid reflux situation usually precedes hiccup because it is a situation whereby foods earlier eaten fid a way back to the oesophagus of the baby thereby leading to discomforts and then hiccup. Hiccups happen most times just after eating as the baby’s stomach has not yet adjusted properly. It is a normal occurrence so young and new mothers shouldn’t panic when their babies start hiccupping.

What are the causes of hiccups in newborn babies

Hiccups in newborn babies are often experienced after breastfeeding. The reason for this is that breast milk taken with breastfeeding begins to be digested and the nerves in the diaphragm are stimulated, resulting in hiccups in newborn babies as a reflex. There may also be hiccups in cases where the baby’s gas is not good, sudden changes in temperature, after swallowing, or excited for any reason. Hiccups begin in the newborn period and usually continue until the age of one decreases.

As much as hiccups are common in babies there are also causes associated with hiccups. Hiccups occur when the muscle called diaphragm contracts. This contraction is needed to make the muscle strong. The causes of hiccups are strongly associated with feeding. This is because while feeding your baby air gets into the stomach. When too much air is in the stomach it results in hiccups.

Some factors that have been associated with baby hiccups are also changes in the weather or climate. If there is a sudden drop in the temperature of the environment or even the temperature of your baby there would be contraction of the muscles resulting in hiccups. The baby starts hiccupping from the womb most times in the second trimester. At this stage a sensitive mother can always feel it when it happens. This is another major cause of hiccups in infants.

Babies also hiccup when they cry or cough. This is especially common in babies in the first three months of their life and it gradually ends when they get to twelve months and above. In very few cases the hiccupping has led to visits to the hospital.

Can you lay a baby down with hiccups?

You can put your baby to bed, but it is better to hold your baby upright and massage it to end the hiccups. No matter what you do, hiccup can wash your baby with warm water.  hiccups are not a bad situation. Whatever will end.So calm down if your baby sobs for no reason or after feeding. In most cases, the hiccups pass by itself. However, if you are very uncomfortable with this situation, be sure to read our advice. If your baby uses a pacifier, you can help stop the hiccups if you give him a pacifier

One of the causes of hiccups is the stimulation of the vagus nerve that connects the brain and abdomen. If your baby is tired of hiccups, you can stimulate the vagus nerve in a different way by drawing your attention in another direction. Offer the baby a different toy or try a favorite game. Even giving a pacifier might work.

If the baby is both hiccup and vomiting at the same time, it may mean that the baby has reflux. Your doctor will tell you the best way to cause the baby to vomit while sobbing. Therefore, you should have your baby examined by your doctor as soon as possible.

What Causes Fetus Hiccups?

Hiccups in the womb are extremely natural and common. Because the baby sobs slowly in the mother’s womb for nine months, developing Baby swallows amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid enters the baby’s lungs, the diaphragm muscle contracts and tries to remove it. As a result, the baby sobs. This is considered as the preparation of the baby for postpartum respiratory function.

Hiccups in the womb can be seen as a sign of the baby’s day-to-day development. The baby’s nervous system is developing and as a result is preparing signaling functions for the operation of the diaphragm and other muscles. As long as the baby continues to receive oxygen from the mother through the umbilical cord in the womb, sobbing does not indicate that the baby is in danger. However, if you feel any abnormal condition, consult your doctor. Hiccups in the womb also occur as a result of the baby’s reflex development as the date of birth approaches. In this way, as soon as the baby is born, it can suck the mother’s breast.

Baby hiccups and their remedies

Though hiccups in infants are common there are also remedies that you can use when they do occur. It is advised by qualified medical practitioners that when feeding your baby you shouldn’t rush no matter how late you may seem to be. They also advise that you follow simple feeding directions.

Also hiccups don’t have an adverse effect on the baby as sometimes they seem to enjoy it so parents are enjoined not to get worried when their babies have hiccups.

You can also put a little sugar on the tip of your baby’s tongue. This would help to redirect the nerves to the sweet taste on the tongue thereby removing the baby’s mind from what is happening in the diaphragm. The muscles would have less concentration on them. If this is still the case, you can massage your baby. Premature babies hiccup every 10 minutes.

Differences between newborn hiccups and chocking

Hiccups in babies are usually not as uncomfortable as they seem, this is because the muscles are simply exercising themselves. Chocking is categorized majorly by intense crying and serious gasping for breath. When this occurs it is advisable that your baby be taking to the nearest clinic because delay could prove fatal.

How to stop baby hiccups when they do occur

Hiccups are common in any one. So, firstly don’t panic when it happens to your baby as it would definitely disappear just the way it came. Check the hole on the nipple of your baby’s bottle to ensure that it is not too wide, because excessive air would increase the risk of hiccups. So caution must be applied.

You can also stop hiccup in your baby by patting your baby’s back. Also when feeding ensures that your baby and all your baby equipments are in comfortable positions. And ensure that when your baby is through with feeding, you immediately wind your baby by rubbing on

Also ensure that when your baby is through with feeding, you immediately wind your baby by rubbing on our baby’s back. This is done so that excess air and gas that has been lodged in the tummy during feeding can go out thereby reducing the risk of hiccupping. Baby hiccups can be very annoying when they do occur. If the above principles are adhered to then hiccups in babies and infants will be a mere child’s play.

Our previous article Is it normal green poop for breastfed baby? We also recommend that you read our article.

1 Response

  1. Carly says:

    Very helpful article! Any new mother should read this so they know what to do if it halogens to their little ones.

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