What causes crossed eyes in babies ?
There lies the little one, happy and content. It laughs and keeps a close eye on what’s going on around it. But sometimes the eyes don’t really want to obey – babies crossed eyes. Help, my baby is squinting !? No, there is no need to panic at first. Lets’ go deep into our article for learn eveything about babies crossed eyes..
Is it Normal for a Baby to Be Cross-Eyed?
Babies crossed eyes in the baby is completely normal in the first few months, so-called baby crossed eyes. The eyes are still in training. And especially when your child is tired or has just woken up, the right look is not always successful (latent squint).
Keep watching your baby’s silver click. After half a year the sense of sight should be trained so that the eye no longer falls from the visual axis. If this still happens frequently, your baby may have a vision defect. There is an increased risk of this if you or your partner also crossed eyes as a child or adult. The same applies to babies who were born prematurely.
In order to prevent permanent damage to the eyes, it is important for parents to recognize the signs early; especially since babies eyes crossed or strabismus, as doctors call it, is not always immediately recognizable.
Signs of strabismus:
- Is your child sensitive to glare?
- Or does your child not react to the incidence of light?
- Does your child often pinch an eye or keep it shut?
- Does your child often tilt his head?
- And Does your child have problems tracking objects with their eyes?
- Does your child have problems grasping objects?
- Does your child have problems keeping eye contact with you at a distance of about 30 centimeters?
If you can answer most of these questions with “yes”, then you should definitely consult a doctor. He’ll do more accurate tests on your baby, including to rule out more serious conditions like a retinal tumor. For your reassurance, this is very rare.
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How Long Are Babies Cross Eyes
The exact causes of babies eyes crossed in early childhood have not yet been clearly clarified. In most cases, squint diseases are inherited. But a congenital farsightedness or nearsightedness, problems with the eye muscles or astigmatism can also be a reason why babies eyes crossed. The consequences are the same: the squinting eye develops poor eyesight.
To understand this, we briefly explain how the eyes work. Normally both eyes look in one direction. This creates an image on everyone that differs very little from the other. The brain merges both images into a congruent 3D image. When babies crossed eyes, however, the images differ so much from one another that the brain is no longer able to match them exactly. There are double images. To counteract this error, the brain suppresses the images that the squinting eye provides. It is gradually switched off. The eyesight of the idle eye then deteriorates, in the long run it becomes weak.
We do not want to trivialize squinting in the baby, but for the sake of completeness the so-called pseudo-squinting should be mentioned briefly. Sometimes it is only due to an optical illusion that the baby’s perspective looks slightly crooked. If, for example, the baby’s nose bridge is particularly wide, the impression of squinting inwards can easily arise, although the position of both eyes is absolutely symmetrical. This is because the inner white of the eyes appears to be smaller than the outer.
Nevertheless, caution should be taken here before self-diagnosis: in case of doubt, you should always consult a doctor. As mentioned above, the earlier the squint is recognized, the better it can be treated.
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Hello, I’m Dorothy. I love writing and researching articles. Reading books about baby health, care and pregnancy is my favorite. I will be sharing delicious and healthy information on food and baby food during pregnancy.