How to prevent pregnancy stretch marks?

Pregnancy stretch marks cannot be completely prevented, if anyone tells you that I used cream and never had stretch marks, never be upset. No matter how much cream you use, 24/7 oil use and keeping your belly moist constantly, you may have pregnancy stretch marks. Of course, we should use cream or oil because it is to have less stretch marks and to prevent itching. Some people are lucky and do not have a pregnancy crack because they have elastic skin.

How to prevent stretch marks during and after pregnancy?

pregnancy stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy

Have you ever seen your mother’s belly? If your mother has  stretch marks on her belly, unfortunately, you are also at risk. Pregnancy is one of the first steps to becoming a mother and we would like to enjoy it. But with the growing belly, increased pregnancy stretches can be a problem for us. Itching increases and you may not be aware of the problem because you cannot see the lower part of the belly. For this reason, it is necessary to prevent skin cracks before they occur. So how to prevent pregnancy stretch marks? We know you have lots of questions about before and after pregnancy stretch marks.  If you have stretch marks, we would like to offer you some suggestions by answering your questions such as how it goes after pregnancy. Let’s read on, let’s eliminate the cracks that we think are a big problem.

Pregnancy can be difficult for some and easy for others. This is due to psychological or physical ailments they experienced while pregnant. Psychology problems may increase due to hormones, but with the help of your spouse and family, everything will be alright. Physically, low back pain, cramps and body changes can also upset you. But we’re sure you’ll forget it every time you think of your baby. Skin cracks are also among this change. Unfortunately, they don’t just look bad, they also itch. For this reason, we know that you have done a lot of research and bought many creams and oils.

Of course, it is necessary to use cream and oil. But some of them are very lucky with these stretch marks because they never get pregnancy stretches with the supple skin they have. I am not among these lucky ones. My belly wasn’t too big but I did have a lot of skin cracks. But I wanted to share with you how I got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. So you don’t have to worry. Try to have a pleasant pregnancy.

What should we do Before pregnancy stretch marks?

  • Do not spend too much money buying expensive creams first, you cannot eliminate or prevent cracks with cream or lotion, you can only make them less.
  • Do not gain too much weight and therefore eat healthy
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
  • massage with almond oil and coconut oil
  • Exercise
  • Use organic oils and creams to reduce dryness and itching.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin A, such as potatoes and carrots.

If you want you can read our article about lowered immune system early pregnancy 

What should we do after pregnancy stretch marks?

You can massage yourself with natural oils;

  1. grape seeds
  2. coconut
  3. apricot kernel
  4. wheat

You can reduce these by mixing these oils and rubbing them on the stretch marks every night. If you try something before it turns silver, you will see a greater effect and more strecth marks will get rid of.

pregnancy stretches

before and after pregnancy stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy?

Unfortunately, strecth marks do not get rid of after the pregnancy ends. But their color changes. how to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy? There are several answers to this question, the most effective of them is laser therapy. The first cracks that occur during pregnancy are purple in color. Later they turn red and silver in color. You can get more interaction when treated with purple stretch marks.

If you have a crack in your first pregnancy, you may experience it in your second pregnancy. So it is not that there will be cracks in the second pregnancy.

I had my laser inspection and the cracks were completely gone. If you go to a good laser treatment center, you can get rid of pregnancy stretches or you can live happily with them. They are pregnancy gifts for us, and it was the same for me, but I completely got rid of the pregnancy cracks to do research and find out what the outcome was. You can too.

Our previous article 15 Signs Of Pregnancy To Know If You Are Pregnant in the title Am I pregnant ve pregnancy exercises information is provided..

1 Response


    I never knew those things back in the 70’s when had my son.

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