Newborn baby care tips
For our moms our baby comes first of all. So we care about newborn baby care tips. We will make you a present to take good care of our baby. We search for the tricky points of good baby care.
Breastmilk is very important for newborn baby care – Suck a lot
It is extremely important to give breast milk as soon as it is born. Because breast milk is a special milk quality for your baby and contains all the necessary nutrients. Moreover, it is completely natural and is much easier to digest than the cow. However, there are no risks of allergies, constipation, diarrhea, rashes and obesity.
Breastfeeding also protects both the mother and the baby from many diseases. Therefore, the breastfeeding of the mother and the mother should be the first choice. Check your growth regularly in the first few months The babies do not gain weight immediately. The average weight of a normal baby born at the time varies from 2,500 to 4,000 grams. Babies lose 5% of their birth weight for the first 3 to 5 days after birth, and 8 12. they reach the weight they have reborn in days. The average size of a baby born at the time is 50 cm, and the head circumference is 35 cm. The measurement of the head circumference needs to be done regularly every month for the first year together with height and weight.
Do not raise room temperature too high
The baby, who is in a warm environment while on the mother’s womb, is trying to adapt to the outside world by the birth of the breathing and the circulation of the heart becomes closer to the adults. For this reason, it is important to note that room temperature is warm for newborn babies. It would be appropriate to have a room temperature of 22 24 degrees, even if the temperature of the room where a healthy baby born on a regular basis is present.
Observe your baby’s skin
Morbidity, rash, jaundice, which may be a sign of disease in newborn babies, can only be noticed when the baby’s skin is observed in daylight or in bright light. For this reason, it is important that your mother watches her baby several times a day in a well-lit environment. Do not wipe your body except your face The baby’s skin turns reddish blue immediately after birth, and the red-pink color turns in a few hours. The special oil layer covering baby’s skin helps both to maintain baby’s heat control and to protect from external influences.
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For this reason, other parts of the body should not be erased except for the face region. We recommend the first wash two days after the baby’s breast falls. Do not be deceived by deformity in your skull It is not unusual for infants to be overtaken by their head bones and deformed primarily due to the softness of their head bones.
These deformities, which can cause the anxieties to worry, resolve themselves in a few days. Do not squeeze the swollen nipple Frequent swellings in the breast area are normal and can self-regress within a few weeks. Your baby sees and hears you The ability of newborn babies to see is available from birth, but not clear. They can see a distance of 20-50 cm. In a few weeks they start to see clearly.
The sense of hearing is; a voice alert can be understood by the baby leaping, crying, or taking a break from sucking a baby. Show your love, talk to him abundantly It is extreİmely important that the love, interest and needs for babies are immediately met. Do not neglect to show your love to your baby in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You talk to him abundantly, singing to him plays a big part in his development
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Hello, I’m Dorothy. I love writing and researching articles. Reading books about baby health, care and pregnancy are my favorite. I will be sharing delicious and healthy information on food and baby food during pregnancy.
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