Causes of a weakened immune system
The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism that protects us against many diseases and infections. Disruption of this mechanism affects many functions and brings diseases. The reasons and treatment methods of the weakened immune system are what drugs and medicinal plants. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to adopt a proper lifestyle, ie proper eating habits, regular sleep and exercise.
Weakened Immune System May Be Genetic
Immunodeficiency is a serious malfunction of the immune system and has to be diagnosed and treated by a specialist in the field. In some cases it is heredity, while in others the cause can be difficult to pin-point. Normally a weakened immune system is the result of the environment we live in or the lifestyle choices we make.
Sugar can run havoc with a immune system. It’s effect starts 30 minutes after ingestion and lasts for 5 hours. Preservatives, colorants and additives cause chemical reactions in and has the same effect as toxins on the body. Refined starches like white flour in white bread, cakes, cookies and pastries put as much stress on the body as sugar does. Undernourished children tends to have a weaker immune system. Studies showed that the higher the fat intake of children the higher their infection rate. Protein deficiency has a negative effect on the working of antibodies and T-cells.
A allergy is a overreaction of the immune system to a otherwise harmless substance like food or inhalants like pollen or dust. The immune system spends so much energy on fighting the “toxin” that it has little left to fight infections.
Children can experience a lot of fear and anxiety over things that adults view as trivial. Emotional, physical or environmental stress depletes their immune system, making them vulnerable to infection.
Sleep is a extremely important part of building a immune system. Long periods of deep sleep is necessary for the body to produce growth hormones. These in turn have an effect on the body’s ability to produce immune cells.
Exercise activates the lymphatic system of the body and helps the body to get rid of toxins.
Hyper-sterile environments
Some households make use of detergents that is anti-bacterial and anti-viral to such an extend that it creates an environment that is hyper-sterile. This means a child gets hardly any exposure to pathogens that would otherwise help activate their immune system. These children stands a much bigger chance of developing allergies.
Lack of natural light
Sunlight activates the T-cells of the body.
Toxins like antibiotics, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, chemicals, radiation or heavy metals like lead or mercury
Medication like antibiotics and steroids weaken the immune system by getting rid of normal body flora that would otherwise assist the immune system. Thimerosal is a mercury additive that is used to preserve vaccines. While vaccines play a major role in combating serious diseases this preservative does weakens the immune system.
Chronic infections
For a child’s immune system to develop it has to be exposed to infections. Too many serious infections in a short time-span will have the opposite effect.
Obese children have a higher risk of infection due to lack of exercise and diets that contribute to a weaker immune system.
Stomach Acid Imbalance
This is a condition that is brought on by bad diet habits like overeating, drinking icy water with meals and eating refined food like white bread, cake and cookies. The digestive sytem cannot get rid of food and toxins effectively thus the immune system starts to battle.
Conditions like prematurity and asthma also predispose a child to a weakened immune system.

Hello, I’m Dorothy. I love writing and researching articles. Reading books about baby health, care and pregnancy are my favorite. I will be sharing delicious and healthy information on food and baby food during pregnancy.
does lead exposure cause a weakened immune system?
That’s why germs is not the cause of disease, toxicity is the real cause of all illnesses.