Can you drink coffee while breastfeeding?
Coffee while breastfeeding can make you happy; drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks, can have a relaxing effect for some problems, such as sleeplessness. Almost every mother who has a baby is sleepless and tired. Mothers have baby care, feeding, household chores and much more. But;Can you drink coffee while breastfeeding? Is it safe your baby’s health? Let’s go depth to in article for learn answers.
Coffee And Breasfeeding
Drinking coffee might be a good idea for breastfeeing mother ; but unfortunately not only to the breastfeeding mother, who could use this in view of her lack of sleep, but also to the child through breast milk. In addition, caffeine can cause abdominal pain and bloating in the child, because infants and children do not yet have the enzyme equipment to metabolize caffeine. It takes a baby more than three days to break down the amount of caffeine in his body. And in the end you only increase your own fatigue!
Coffee while breastfeeding can make you a problem. For example ; It can affect your baby’s health. How does caffeine affect baby? Caffeine is mixed with blood, breast milk may decrease. Caffeine mixed with blood affects baby’s development negatively. The bones of these babies are more sensitive and the risk of breakage is higher. Breastfeeding mothers should pay attention to the diet for the first 6 months. You should avoid caffeinated beverages so that your baby’s health and milk do not decrease.
How much coffee can you drink while breastfeeding?
Coffee is not a healthy drink, but you can only drink one cup a day. If you think it’s not easy without coffee, you should just try it. Especially when you feel tired: get up and go out. A short walk in the fresh air, some sports or post-workout gymnastics at home in the living room or on the terrace will speed up your circulation and make you more fit – you can do without coffee.
Coffee while breastfeeding, If you drink more than one cup of it, the value of breast milk decreases. Caffeine reduces the iron concentration in breast milk and can cause iron deficiency. Caffeine is not only in coffee, but also in drinks such as soda, energy drink, and the rate of caffeine in energy drink is higher.
Which foods and drinks contain caffeine ?
- Coffee,
- Tea,
- Coke, soda,
- Fruit soda,
- Chocolate,
- Cocoa,
- Food and drinks with artificial sweeteners,
- Energy drinks,
- Some pain medications.
In a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG – American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology), it is stated that childhood leukemias are observed more frequently in infants whose mothers consume more than two cups of coffee a day. In the study; It is stated that consumption of caffeine more than 300 mg (4 cups) increases the risk of 60% and consumption above 600 mg (8 cups) increases childhood leukemia by 72%. Caffeine is thought to change the fetal DNA and make the baby prone to leukemia.
Is coffee ok during pregnancy ?
Caffeine has no nutritional value. On the contrary, it has brain stimulating and addictive effects. When you eat two cups of coffee, a can of cola or some chocolate during the day, you will get 300 mg of caffeine. In pregnancy, the limit of caffeine is generally set at 200 mg. However, 200 mg is the highest dose that can be consumed. In other words, pregnant women should not drink too much tea and coffee and stay away from things like chocolate and cola. The following situations may occur in pregnant women who consume excess caffeine:
If you want to read our new article about pregnancy and coffee , you can click link.
Excessive caffeine intake is seen as the cause of miscarriage. It may also cause other abortion cases, especially second trimester abortions. This can be seen in mothers who consume 600 mg or more of caffeine daily.
It also affects the baby consumed by the mother during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The effect of caffeine on the cardiovascular system, nervous system and behavior can also be seen in infants. In other words, caffeine taken has similar effects in the developing fetus and newborn and this is not a healthy effect at all. The smaller the baby, the less capable of removing caffeine from the body. Therefore, it is useful to determine your caffeine dose by considering this.
Coffee may not flutter at the mother, but it may cause an accelerated heartbeat or breathing in the womb. Caffeine also negatively affects the baby’s brain development. Experts say that mothers should stay away from caffeine as much as possible so that the baby does not experience forgetfulness and learning difficulties in life after birth.
The body’s iron requirement increases during pregnancy. Caffeine reduces iron absorption by 40%, especially when consumed after eating.
Our previous article What does white nipples mean when breastfeeding? in the title How can I treat mastitis at home, nipple pain ve white dot on nipple breastfeeding information is provided..

Hello, I’m Dorothy. I love writing and researching articles. Reading books about baby health, care and pregnancy is my favorite. I will be sharing delicious and healthy information on food and baby food during pregnancy.
Very interesting read.
The alternatives to not drinking coffee were a great point!
Enjoyed the article!